A national platform for health systems and services research
Governing Board
The SLHS Governing Board guides and oversees the overall development of the SLHS. It consists of all academic partner institutions and is responsible in particular for overseeing the SLHS mechanisms. This includes, among other things, prioritizing topics in collaboration with stakeholders of the health system, developing the PhD program, and building sustainable relationships with various institutions of the health system.

Prof. Dr. Dr. sc. h.c.
Jerome Bickenbach

Ass. Prof. Dr.
Stefano Calciolari

Prof. Dr.
Luca Crivelli

Prof. Dr. iur. can. et lic. theol.
Adrian Loretan

Prof. Dr.
Karin Niedermann

Prof. Dr.
Carlo De Pietro

Prof. Dr.
Simon Wieser

Prof. Dr.
Klazine Van der Horst

Prof. Dr.
Lauren Clack