Each partner institution of the Swiss Learning Health System (SLHS) is working on a specific topic that will lead to policy briefs and stakeholder dialogues.
Policy Brief on a framework of voluntary health insurance contract for in-patient care
What services/products should cover the voluntary health insurance (VHI) for hospitalisation in Switzerland?
In December 2020 the FINMA published a report “Supplementary health insurers: FINMA sees need for comprehensive action regarding settlement”, where indicated issues with cost transparency and fair premiums for VHI policyholders. Even more importantly, FINMA has demanded to define better a content of VHI products for hospitalisation. Meaning, VHI for in-patient care should offer genuine additional benefits to the mandatory health insurance in Switzerland. In response, the VHI industry has suggested a new framework for the VHI in-patient contract. It contains 11 principle which is used to define “additional benefits” for hospitalisation VHI products.
The main objective of this policy brief and stakeholder dialogue is to critically discuss and possibly improve the proposed framework for in-patient VHI contract, involving all stakeholders (patients/VHI policy holders, health service providers, insurance companies, regulators).
Very popular among Swiss and once strategic additional health coverage - the supplemental hospitalization insurance - has seemingly lost a substantial part of its value.
Kateryna Riabchenko, author of the Policy Brief
Author: Kateryna Riabchenko
E-Mail: kateryna.riabchenko@supsi.ch
If you are interested in the topic please contact us.