Each partner institution of the Swiss Learning Health System (SLHS) is working on a specific topic that will lead to policy briefs and stakeholder dialogues.
Design Principles of a Central Metadata Repository
The Swiss Health System is a complex system with different groups of actors for which data is collected and analyzed using various methods, leading to a large heterogeneity and dispersion of available data. The specificities of a Swiss Health System favor a hybrid infrastructure to manage the heterogeneity and dispersion of Swiss health-related data. This Policy Brief shows the importance of a metadata management infrastructure to identify and describe health data resources and highlights several essential key elements for the design of a metadata repository and also raises important practical questions.
Stakeholder(s): Representatives from the IT sector, policy, and health research
SLHS Lead: Information management institute, University of Neuchatel
Author: Eliane Maalouf, Alessio De Santo, Paul Cotofrei, Kilian Stoffel
Policy Brief: Download PDF
Key Messages: English, French, Italian
Summary of Stakeholder Dialogue: Download PDF