Each partner institution of the Swiss Learning Health System (SLHS) is working on a specific topic that will lead to policy briefs and stakeholder dialogues.
Sustainable Financing of Psychosocial Services for Refugees
A high percentage of asylum seekers suffer from mental health problems due to the situation in their country of origin, the migration process or post-migration stress factors. International literature shows that psychosocial services (if necessary in combination with outpatient psychiatric therapy) are much more effective for this target group than, for example, inpatient therapy in a psychiatric clinic. Unfortunately, it is often unclear who should pay for such psychosocial services. This Policy Brief describes the challenges this poses for those affected and the various parties involved, and formulates the following recommendations:
i) Promote financing solutions with cantonal involvement
ii) Increase transparency for providers and case managers
iii) Establish transparency on the costs of health and social care for refugees and potential savings
Author: Mélanie Stamm
Policy Brief (available in German): Download PDF
Key Messages: German, English, French, Italian
Summary of Stakeholder Dialogue (available in German): Download PDF