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Health-Related Studies in Schools: A Unique Opportunity

The future of our society begins in classrooms: Schools are not only critical for knowledge transmission but also key environments for understanding and promoting the health of children and adolescents. Health-related studies in schools enable the identification of health problems and the development of preventive measures. However, researchers face various challenges, such as inadequate communication, lack of understanding, and missing processes and guidelines. This policy brief outlines options for action within the following three areas to optimize the implementation of such studies:

  • Recruitment and motivation
  • Retention and incentives
  • Partnerships and collaboration

The options for action are based on a literature review, semi-structured interviews, and a dialogue with relevant stakeholders.


SLHS Lead: University of Zurich & Bern University of Applied Sciences

Authors: Alessia Raineri, Manuel Weber & Seraina Rüegger

Policy Brief (available in German): Download PDF

Key Messages: German, English, French, Italian

Summary of Stakeholder Dialogue: Download PDF


Policy Briefs & Stakeholder Dialogues

Each partner institution of the Swiss Learning Health System (SLHS) is working on a specific topic that will lead to policy briefs and stakeholder dialogues.

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